Module Description

The aim of this module is to raise awareness of the benefits and difficulties that educators will encounter when teaching a class where there are students with learning difficulties and special educational needs (SEN). We do not mean that it is detrimental to have students with different types of educational needs in the class, but rather that prior preparation and knowledge of these difficulties is necessary and will need to be addressed in their context.

As a starting point, the definition of pupils with educational needs is presented and as a final point of interest, it allows professionals to learn about possibilities for inclusive education.

Figure 49: Pic of tip
Source: Freepick

The action of incorporating children with SEN (special educational needs) into mainstream classrooms is known as integration. This allows them to learn together with students without SEN. For most people, this inclusive approach seems to be a win-win situation, as it supposedly benefits both sides. For example, while children with SEN acquire social skills for their adult life by observing and imitating their peers, students without SEN become more tolerant thanks to a diverse classroom environment. However, the process is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, in this module we will take a closer look at the difficulties and tips for integrating children with SEN into mainstream schools to make it a little easier for educators.

SEN students can sometimes be confused with students that need specific educational support. For this reason, it is necessary to specify the types of the existing special needs. Some of the most common (UOC, 2020) are the following:


These are just a few examples, but there are more, or it may be the case that a student has more than one need.

Early detection is very important. We can say that students have SEN if they are making significantly slower progress than the rest of their classmates. To determine this, we need to gather information from both professionals and parents, which, along with a psycho-educational evaluation, will provide us with a diagnosis of the student's situation.

Next, we will find out what advice can be given to both parents and professionals about SEN.


There are several benefits that promote inclusive education in different areas of learners' lives:


Project number : 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000027809